
Pediatric PCMH Practice Requirements


Practice Fundamentals

The objective is to understand the composition of the practice’s core team and understand which members are responsible for implementing the foundational concepts to provide quality care.


Access to the Practice and Timely Communication

The objective is to establish acceptable access and communication guidelines the patient can expect.


Identification of Practice Population Concerns and Providing Relevant Care Options

The objective is to use the tools made available through technology and systems to provide efficiency and appropriate care.


Comprehensive Care Coordination and Management of Complex Patients

The objective is to coordinate care that occurs outside of the pediatric practices and mange complex patients to reduce unnecessary utilization of healthcare services.


Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement (QI)

The objective is to use data to generate meaningful action to improve quality.

Specialized Tracks

Specialized tracks are for high performing practices to highlight their achievements for optional credit items.
Specialized tracks are fully shared across the entire practice.


HR/Administrative Track

The objective of this track is to highlight a practice’s achievements for exceptional human resource and staff training practices.


Behavioral/Mental Health Track

The objective of this track is to highlight a practice’s exceptional processes in providing behavioral and/or mental health support to patients both in house and through referral.


Social Determinants of Health Track

The objective of this track is to highlight a practice’s stellar inclusion of social determinants of health / health disparities considerations in the treatment of patients.

Our Officers

Our officers have real life experience with pediatric practices and designed the APMH program in collaboration with industry experts and practicing pediatricians across the country.


Amanda Ciadella, MPH, PCMH CCE

Amanda is the President/CEO, and one of the founders of APMH.

President / Secretary

Alicia E. Adams, Esq,

Alicia is the President/CEO and Secretary, and one of the founders of APMH.


Robert Ross, CPA

Robert is the Treasurer of APMH.

Our Transformation Coaches

Our transformation coaches have real life experience with EMRs, clinical workflow, and clinical quality design within the world of pediatrics. Your practice will be paired with a coach that is highly experienced with the EMR in your practice.
Due to the blind review process utilized by APMH to ensure a fair, unbiased review process, the identity of our transformation coaches are not shared publicly.